St. Philip's Episcopal Church

706 Byers Avenue, Joplin, Missouri 64801


St. Philip’s parishioners support many outreach activities throughout the year. With the stewardship of our time, talents and treasures we reach out to many in our community as well as reaching out to each other within our parish. The Outreach Committee is led by Dcn. Carol Peterson and made up of very capable individuals who coordinate our participation in the following ministries: Monthly Meal at Watered Gardens, Refugee and Immigrant Services & Education (RAISE) through sponsoring a family and providing education services, Practical Needs Drives including: Blankets, Coats, Hats, Gloves, Backpacks for New Kindergartners, Angel Tree for Kids & Seniors, and other worthy causes.


This committee meets monthly with our rector to go over the worship schedule. We review the past month’s services and look for ways to improve the worship experience of the congregation. We discuss the coming month’s schedule of regular and special services. Training for lectors, LEMs, LEVs, and acolytes is scheduled when required.


Christian Education

Children’s Sunday School at St. Philip’s is a fun, vibrant place to be. Sunday school for children is held Sundays from September to May at 10am with children joining parents at the peace. Our weekly lessons typically center around readings from the Lectionary. Kids and parents hear the same scriptures each week, with the Sunday School version being delivered in a more kid-friendly manner. We keep the pace quick so that the children remain engaged; we always have lots of fun and we continually reinforce to them how much God loves them.

Adult Education meets at 9am on Sundays throughout the year. The rector typically leads the educational offerings. Our deacon, other members, or guest teachers may occasionally teach a few sessions. Topics are usually related to Bible study, church history, practical Christianity, spirituality, and other religious topics.

Lenten Programs are scheduled during the Wednesdays of Lent. Recent topics have included Celtic Spirituality, Traditional Spirituality (Franciscan, Benedictine, Dominican), Themes of the Stations of the Cross. The typical Wednesday schedule during Lent is: 5:30pm – Stations of the Cross. 6pm – Mass, 6:45pm – A simple meal, 7pm-8pm the Lenten Program.

All Parish Retreat – in 2023 an All Parish Retreat was held at a riverside camp. Members of all ages participated in worship, singing, Mass, games, fishing, and building relationships. A “Spiritual Walk” was led by Dcn. Carol Peterson in the woods.



Our goal is to increase our Sunday attendance, develop succinct ways to make our faith and beliefs known to the larger community, develop ways to make our visitors feel at home and to encourage their participation in our parish life, enlarge our greeter ministry and follow-up to our guests on Sunday.


Pastoral Care

This team reaches out to our members who are in need of extra support at critical times in their lives. They offer services to those who are experiencing health problems, those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, those facing on-going challenges, as well as those who are in acute crisis.



This committee oversees our annual pledge drive each year. In addition it strives to create a year round program in which parishioners can identify and use their time, talent, and treasure.