There are a number of guilds and groups at Saint Philip’s Church, and this page explains what they do.

St. Ann’s Altar Guild

Altar Guild meetings are called to order with the following prayer which sums up our missions and duties:

“Almighty God, grant we beseech thee, that we may handle all things with reverence, and perform our duties with such faithfulness and devotion, that it may rise with acceptance before Thee and obtain thy blessing; through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

St. Ann’s is an active group which prepares the Sanctuary and Chapel for services each week, decorates the church for Holy Days and assists the rector with weddings and funerals, confirmations and baptisms. Other responsibilities include maintaining altar linens, cleaning the chancel, polishing silver and brass vessels, ordering supplies for eucharists and flowers for the altar.


St. Catherine’s Gift Shop

The Guild participates in the breakfast program, furnishes greeting cards at cost, helps with Mother’s and Father’s Day items for moms and dads. The guild has changed the look of the area where we have the gift shop. The shop monetarily helps St. Catherine’s with its outreach and purchasing of items for the education of the church. We hand out Bible reading sheets for Advent and offer daily reading meditations. We will do the same for Lent. We help with Vacation Bible School. We purchased the Lenten study for Sunday School written by Barbara Crafton which is a series of lectures and discussions of forgiveness.

The guild offers a variety of items for sale from clothing to jewelry; we also have beautiful Anglican rosaries for sale made by hand by Episcopal ladies in Utah. Items for baptism and confirmation are on hand for purchase as well as the Book of Common Prayer. We can special order most items you might need in respect to the Episcopal church. In the spring, we will be offering new items because we will be returning to buyers market in Kansas City. Come have a look, you might be surprised in what you see!

St. Joseph’s

This Guild is an organization of the men of the parish who meet monthly for breakfast and fellowship in order to do minor maintenance and housekeeping projects for the parish. The Guild is open to all men and women of the parish especially those who have basic skills in carpentry, painting, electrical or plumbing who would like to utilize these skills for the benefit of our church. This guild is not currently active.


St. Martha’s

The role of this Guild is to provide assistance with the receptions for baptisms and any other social functions upon request by the rector or parishioners of St. Philip’s.


WOSP – Women of St. Philip

This group is open to all women of St. Philip’s parish. The role of this group is to provide leadership and support for the parish and its mission. I also raises money and collects items to support many outreach activities.

St. Vincent’s

Our purpose is to encourage every lay minister at our Lord’s altar to have a progressive role of life based on all of the Church’s Sacraments, to instill within each lay minister an interest in proper liturgies within their branch of the Church, and to pray that all members will consider their service as lay ministers to be a vocation.